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ETC/LeadTools Lecture

MultiPage Tiff

by 현이빈이 2008. 9. 8.
First I loaded the project.
Then I changed
Private Sub Command1_Click()
LEAD1.Load "c:\fax1.tif", 0, 1, -1
count1 = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
   LEAD1.Load "c:\test\test.tif", 0, 1, -1
   count1 = 0
End Sub
(test.tif is included with the screen shots.)
Then I changed
Private Sub Command4_Click()
LEAD1.AnnSaveTag True, False
LEAD1.SavePage = Count + 1
LEAD1.Save "AnnTestTag.tif", FILE_CCITT_GROUP4, 1, 2, SAVE_INSERT
End Sub
Private Sub Command5_Click()
LEAD1.Load "AnnTestTag.tif", 0, 1, -1
LEAD1.AnnLoad "AnnTestTag.tif", 1
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
   LEAD1.AnnSaveTag True, False
   LEAD1.SavePage = Count + 1
   LEAD1.Save "c:\test\AnnTestTag.tif", FILE_CCITT_GROUP4, 1, 2, SAVE_INSERT
End Sub
Private Sub Command5_Click()
   LEAD1.Load "c:\test\AnnTestTag.tif", 0, 1, -1
   LEAD1.AnnLoad "c:\test\AnnTestTag.tif", 1
End Sub
Then i changed
LEAD1.UnlockSupport L_SUPPORT_DOCUMENT, "Document Unlock Key"
to use our key...
When i ran the app..
Shot1.jpg = Run the application
Shot2.jpg = Click the Load command button
Shot3.jpg = Select the stamp that i want to use
Shot4.jpg = Draw the stamp on the image
Shot5.jpg = Click AnnSetTag command button
Shot6.jpg = Click Clear Image command button
Shot7.jpg = Click AnnLoad command button
(I included the outputfile AnnTestTag.tif so maybe it will help.)
Notice in Shot7.jpg when we try to load the file
you see a red sqaure box.  This box can be moved and
deleted like an annotation but it's not the annotation
that we saved.  That's the problem that I get when
i tried your suggestion in our application.
Thanks for your help and please let me know if you need anything else.
To save the rubber stamp object, try to set the fWangMode parameter in the AnnSaveTag method to false as follows:
LEAD1.AnnSaveTag False, False
