<!-- #include file="adovbs.inc" -->
' Constants file included above.
' Declare our variables... always good practice.
Dim rstXML ' ADO recordset
' Create our recordset object
Set rstXML = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
' Open the previously saved results of the query.
rstXML.Open Server.MapPath("db_xml.xml")
' Now we've got a recordset containing the data we
' previously saved to the XML file... to illustrate
' I'll print out the record count.
Response.Write rstXML.RecordCount
' Close our recordset dispose of the object
Set rstXML = Nothing
' Constants file included above.
' Declare our variables... always good practice.
Dim rstXML ' ADO recordset
' Create our recordset object
Set rstXML = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
' Open the previously saved results of the query.
rstXML.Open Server.MapPath("db_xml.xml")
' Now we've got a recordset containing the data we
' previously saved to the XML file... to illustrate
' I'll print out the record count.
Response.Write rstXML.RecordCount
' Close our recordset dispose of the object
Set rstXML = Nothing