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Application/Delphi Lecture126

How to Add Controls to TTabbedNotebook and TNotebook How to Add Controls to TTabbedNotebook and TNotebook I have seen the question "how do you add controls to TTabbedNotebook or TNotebook at run-time?" several times here and elsewhere. Well, after finally getting a few spare minutes to check into it, I have stumbled across the solution: TTabbedNotebook Adding controls to a TTabbedNotebook during design time is a pretty simple task. All you need to.. 2008. 8. 13.
mysql 5 와 dbExpress Driver DbExpress drivers for MySQL V5.0 Having developed an application in Delphi for a client that used the Borland DbExpress drivers to access a MySQL V4.0 database, my client upgraded the database to MySQL V5.0. The Borland drivers only support MySQL V4.0, so I looked for a compatible driver, or an Open-Source driver I could update. I found what I needed on SourceForge — the OpenDbx project provides.. 2008. 8. 13.
키 다운 체크 하기 if GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL ) and $8000 ) 0 then showmessage('Ctrl 키 눌러졌다') 2008. 8. 13.
포커스 컴포넌트 찾기 Form1.ActiveControl 이런식으로 .. if Form1.ActiveControl is TEdit then TEdit(Form1.ActiveControl).Text:='텍스트'; GetFocus 는 이런식으로 .. var Handle:THandle; ClassName:Array[0..255] of Char; TextBuf: array[0..32767] of Char; begin Handle:=GetFocus; TextBuf:='텍스트'; if Handle 0 then begin GetClassName(Handle,ClassName,SizeOf(ClassName)); if ClassName = 'TEdit' then SendMessage(Handle,WM_SETTEXT,SizeOf(TextBuf.. 2008. 8. 13.