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Application/Delphi Lecture126

24bit bmp 이미지 만들기 //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write your own 24 Bit BMP // (C) K.O. Thaha Hussain MCA, 2003 Sept // I used Hexadecimal Numbers just for Style // Hex editors make use of that system. // (Example $28 in Hex is Equal to 40 in decimal system. You can make use // either hex or Decimal system // --------------------------------------------------------------.. 2008. 8. 13.
grid cell 의 커서 변경하기 procedure TForm1.StringGrid1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var _Row,_Col : Integer; begin // 현재 마우스가 위치한 Cell의 Row, Column을 알아낸다. StringGrid1.MouseToCell(X,Y,_Col, _Row); if _Col in [1,3,5] then begin StringGrid1.Cursor := crHandPoint; // Focus 이동 StringGrid1.Row := _Row; StringGrid1.Col := _Col; end else begin StringGrid1.Cursor := crDefault; end; end; 2008. 8. 13.
이미지 헤더로 이미지 형태 분석 var SP : TPointer; n : integer; ST : TMemoryStream; IconHeader : Cardinal; jpgHeader : int64; EmfHeader : ^DWord; WmfHeader : ^LongInt; begin IconHeader := $00010000; jpgHeader := $464a1000e0ffd8ff; EmfHeader := Pointer(SP + $28); WmfHeader := Pointer(SP + n); ST := TMemorystream.Create; ST.LoadFromFile(파일네임); SP := ST.Memory; n := 0 ; // 요 n은 Paradox DB에서 BMP를 읽을 때 // 8byte헤더가 또 따라 붙습니다. //비트맵은.. 2008. 8. 13.
ActiveX 안정성 (IObjectSafety) 구현하여 웹상에서 보안경고 안나오게 하는 방법 FObjectSafetyFlags: dword; add IObjectSafety to your class declaration and implement it as follows: TfrmRPDEClient = class(TActiveForm, IRPDEClient, IObjectSafety) ... ... protected { Protected declarations } function GetInterfaceSafetyOptions(const IID: TIID; pdwSupportedOptions, pdwEnabledOptions: PDWORD): HResult; stdcall; function SetInterfaceSafetyOptions(const IID: TIID; dwOptionSetMask, d.. 2008. 8. 13.