Application179 파일 찾기 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var TheResult : String; begin TheResult := FileSearch('netscape.exe', 'c:\ProgramFiles\Netscape\Communicator\Program; + c:\windows'); if TheResult = '' then ShowMessage('Netscape was not found in this path.') else Label1.Caption := TheResult; end; 2008. 7. 24. 최근 문서 지우기 !************************************** ! Name: Delete Windows Recent Documents ! Description:How to delete the Window's ! recent documents folder. By Clayton Turn ! er. ! By: ! !This code is copyrighted and has ! limited warranties.Please see http://w ! ! wCode.asp?txtCodeId=32&lngWId=7 !for details. !************************************** uses ShlOBJ; p.. 2008. 7. 24. Thumbnail 이미지 만들기 function GenerateThumbnails(const InDir, OutDir, Mask: string): LongInt; var Sr: TSearchRec; Master: TImage; Slave: TBitmap; const MAX_WIDTH = 320; //set maximum width for thumbnail MAX_HEIGHT = 240; //set maximum height for thumbnail begin Master := TImage.Create(form1); Slave := TBitmap.Create; Result := 0; try if FindFirst(InDir + '\' + Mask,faAnyFile,Sr) = 0 then begin repeat if (Sr.Name '.'.. 2008. 7. 24. webbrowser post 로 넘기기 var strList : TStringList; vWebAddr, vPostData, vFlags, vFrame, vHeaders: OleVariant; iLoop: Integer; stURL, stPostData: String; begin stPostData := 'aviFileNameFullPath=adadfads&strSmiFileFullPath=ㅁㅇㄻㅇㄴ'; vHeaders:= 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'+ #10#13#0; vPostData:= VarArrayCreate([0, Length(stPostData)], varByte); for iLoop := 0 to Length(stPostData)- 1 do begin vPostData.. 2008. 7. 24. 이전 1 ··· 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 다음