Application179 Delphi Data Type to C# Data Type Delphi Data Type to C# Data Type Delphi DataType C# datatype ansistring string boolean bool byte byte char char comp double currency decimal double double extended double int64 long int32 int int16 short integer int longint int longword uint olevariant object pchar string real double real48 double shortint sbyte single float smallint short string string variant object widechar string widestring .. 2009. 7. 17. How to create a smooth progress bar in Visual C# This article demonstrates how to create a simple, custom UserControl to create a smooth, scrolling ProgressBar control. In earlier versions of the ProgressBar control, such as the version that is provided with the Microsoft Windows Common Controls ActiveX control, you can view the progress in two different views. To control these views, you use the Scrolling property, which includes standard and.. 2009. 6. 29. Webbrowser1 스크롤 없애기 Webbrowser1.OleObject.Document.Body.Style.Border := 'none'; //수직스크롤바 : 보이게할려면 scroll , 숨길려면 hidden WebBrowser1.OleObject.Document.Body.Style.OverflowY := 'hidden'; //수평스크롤바 : 보이게할려면 scroll , 숨길려면 hidden WebBrowser1.OleObject.Document.Body.Style.OverflowX := 'hidden'; 2009. 4. 21. 프레임워크 권한 설정 - trust zone 영역 추가 public static bool AddZoneGroup(string name, string description) { // Policy 레벨 열거를 얻는다. IEnumerator enumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy(); // Policy 레벨들(Enterprise, Machine, User) 중에서 Machine Policy를 찾는다. PolicyLevel machineLevel = null; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { PolicyLevel level = (PolicyLevel)enumerator.Current; if (level.Label == "Machine") { machineLevel = level; } } if (mac.. 2009. 4. 14. 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ··· 45 다음