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Web Program159

ImageCanvas Web User Control Source Code: ImageCanvas.zip 22 KB Introduction: Sending dynamic image content to browser has always been tricky issue. With System.Drawing namespace available to ASP.Net creating images on fly has become relatively simpler. In normal case we would use aspx page to stream image to web form like Now for image to be dynamic we need to pass some information to aspx page, which we are doing by passi.. 2009. 5. 14.
Adding Images dynamically at runtime in Crystal report 검증 되지 않음 Method I: Using recordset 1. Add a recordset and add a table in that. Add a column of System.Byte[] (Only System.Byte is available in the data type of data Table, Manually add the System.Byte[] in that. System.Byte not allowed for images).Then use the below code 2. Design the report with that dataset. You can add this System.Byte[] column as part of your main data table which have the a.. 2009. 5. 13.
CrystalReport 에서 TextObject 사용하기 TextObject text; text = CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["text1"] as TextObject; text.Text = "dfd"; 2009. 5. 13.
CrystalReport db Connection 연결과 파라미터 넘기기 //TableLogOnInfo객체생성 CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo cryLogonInfo = new CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo(); //계정정보설정 cryLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = "db"; cryLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = "1234"; cryLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = "sa"; cryLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = "pubs"; //계정추가 CrystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo.Add(cryLogonInfo); //로그인창 false 설정 Crystal.. 2009. 5. 13.