분류 전체보기590 익스플로어 새창 열기 { URL 열기 } procedure TForm1.NavigateIE(const URL: WideString); var IE: Variant; begin try IE := CreateOleObject('InternetExplorer.Application'); except ShowMessage('익스플로러 실행 실패'); Exit; end; IE.Visible := true; { IE.ToolBar := false; IE.Resizable := false; IE.TheaterMode := true; IE.Left := 300; IE.Top := 300; IE.Width := 350; IE.Height := 385; } IE.Navigate2(URL); IE := Unassigned; end; 2008. 8. 13. AlwaysOnTop 처리하기 procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin SetWindowPos(Form1.Handle, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_SHOWWINDOW); end; // on the calling form . . . procedure TfrmMain.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Form1.ShowModal; Form1.Release; end; 2008. 8. 13. How to Add Controls to TTabbedNotebook and TNotebook How to Add Controls to TTabbedNotebook and TNotebook I have seen the question "how do you add controls to TTabbedNotebook or TNotebook at run-time?" several times here and elsewhere. Well, after finally getting a few spare minutes to check into it, I have stumbled across the solution: TTabbedNotebook Adding controls to a TTabbedNotebook during design time is a pretty simple task. All you need to.. 2008. 8. 13. mysql 5 와 dbExpress Driver DbExpress drivers for MySQL V5.0 Having developed an application in Delphi for a client that used the Borland DbExpress drivers to access a MySQL V4.0 database, my client upgraded the database to MySQL V5.0. The Borland drivers only support MySQL V4.0, so I looked for a compatible driver, or an Open-Source driver I could update. I found what I needed on SourceForge — the OpenDbx project provides.. 2008. 8. 13. 이전 1 ··· 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 ··· 148 다음