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Gridview header footer 고정하기 header style css 추가 .HeaderFreezing { background-color:White; position:relative ; top: expression(this.offsetParent.scrollTop); z-index: 10; } .FooterFreezing { background-color:White; position:relative; bottom: expression(this.offsetParent.scrollHeight - (this.offsetParent.scrollTop + this.offsetParent.offsetHeight)); z-index: 10; } .FreezingFooter { position:relative; bottom: expression((this... 2009. 5. 15.
Automatically Printing Crystal Reports 3 Export to PDF As you may have learned from experience, the output from a CrystalReportViewer does not always look like you had intended. That is because the output is rendered as HTML and sent to the browser that then generates the web page. In order to get the exact formatting you want, you should export your reports as PDF documents. One advantage of doing so is that most users know how to pri.. 2009. 5. 15.
Automatically Printing Crystal Reports 2 Client Side JavaScript: window.Print A second option you have uses the JavaScript window.Print method. Adding this method to the onLoad event of the BODY tag will trigger the browser to print the current page. Adding this method to a button.onClick event can also be done, just make sure you are using a standard HTML button and not an ASP.NET button control (if you do use an ASP.NET button contro.. 2009. 5. 15.
Automatically Printing Crystal Reports 1 Using Server-Side ReportDocument.PrintToPrinter Method This server-based method is documented in the Visual Studio help files. Open the Help Index, and enter PrintToPrinter in the "Look for:" box. The syntax for this method is: Report.PrintToPrinter(, , , ) 'Collated' in this context has nothing to do with database collation. Some advanced printers (like copier/printers) will sort each document .. 2009. 5. 15.