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MultiPage Tiff First I loaded the project. Then I changed Private Sub Command1_Click() LEAD1.Load "c:\fax1.tif", 0, 1, -1 count1 = 0 End Sub to Private Sub Command1_Click() LEAD1.Load "c:\test\test.tif", 0, 1, -1 count1 = 0 End Sub (test.tif is included with the screen shots.) Then I changed Private Sub Command4_Click() LEAD1.AnnSaveTag True, False LEAD1.SavePage = Count + 1 LEAD1.Save "AnnTestTag.tif", FILE_C.. 2008. 9. 8.
gif Resize Save The following code shows how to load an animated GIF file, resize it, and then save the result as animated gif file: The following code shows how to load an animated GIF file, resize it, and then save the result as animated gif file: +---------------------------+ using Leadtools.ImageProcessing; using Leadtools; using Leadtools.Codecs; ... private void button5_Click(object sender, System.EventAr.. 2008. 9. 8.
썸네일 생성 (stamp) I sincerely apologize for the delay in getting back to you, but this code will load images identical to the thumbnail browser: CodecsImageInfo info = this.codecs.GetInformation("c:\\280.tif", false, 1); int width = info.Width; int height = info.Height; //this will be the base for calculating the size of the loaded image Rectangle imageRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100); //transforms the above .. 2008. 9. 8.
논어 명언 몇가지~ 人不知而不 이면 不亦君子乎아. 인불지이불 불역군자호 남이 나를 알아주지 않아도 노여워 하지 않음이 또한 군자가 아니겠는가 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 無友不如己者오 過則勿憚改니라. 무우불여기자 과즉물탄개 나보다 못한 사람과 벗하지 말며, 잘못을 깨달았을 때에는 고치기를 꺼리지 말라 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 子曰 不患人之不己知오 患不知人也니라. 불환인지불기지 환부지인야 남이 나를 알아주지 않음을 걱정하지 말고 내가 남을 알지 못함을 탓하라 -----------------------------.. 2008. 9. 8.