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How To Automate Word to Perform Mail Merge from Delphi How To Automate Word to Perform Mail Merge from Delphi View products that this article applies to. Article ID : 229310 Last Review : January 24, 2007 Revision : 3.3 This article was previously published under Q229310 On This Page SUMMARY MORE INFORMATION Building the Automation Sample REFERENCES SUMMARY This article demonstrates how to create and manipulate a Word document using Automation from .. 2008. 8. 13.
GDI+ 를 이용한 스트링 회전 The transforms do work, here's some sample code (GDI+) that mirrors around the x, y and x and y. Drop a TPaintbox on the form set the onpaint event to the following and you're away. cheers, Dave procedure TForm29.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); var graphics : TGPGraphics; FontFamily: TGPFontFamily; Font: TGPFont; SolidBrush: TGPSolidBrush; Matrix : TGPmatrix; SolidPen : TGPPen; r : TGPrectF; Gr.. 2008. 8. 13.
Print Preview in Delphi for .NET This is a simple demo of how you can integrate a .NET compiler into your applications and compile and use the code at runtime. How does this all work. For this example i created a simple form with a button on it. Pressing this button starts a OpenFile Dialog and when you select a text file it renders this file to a Preview component. To print you need to create a PrintDocument component. For thi.. 2008. 8. 13.
How do I Access the pixels in a GDI+ bitmap? function lockBitmap(Bitmap : TGPBitmap) : TBitmapData; var r : TGPRect; begin r.x := 0; r.y := 0; r.width := bitmap.getWidth; r.height := bitmap.getHeight; Bitmap.LockBits(r, ImageLockModeRead or ImageLockModeWrite, Bitmap.GetPixelFormat, result); end; function Scanline(BitmapData : TBitmapData; Row : integer) : PRGBQuad; begin result := bitmapData.Scan0; inc(PByte(result), Row * bitmapData.stri.. 2008. 8. 13.