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How do I flip text procedure TForm29.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); var graphics : TGPGraphics; FontFamily: TGPFontFamily; Font: TGPFont; SolidBrush: TGPSolidBrush; Matrix : TGPmatrix; SolidPen : TGPPen; r : TGPrectF; GraphicsPath : TGPGraphicsPath; begin graphics := TGPGraphics.Create(PaintBox1.Canvas.handle); FontFamily := TGPFontFamily.Create('Times New Roman'); Font := TGPFont.Create(FontFamily, 32, FontStyl.. 2008. 8. 13.
How do I create a rounded rect function CreateRoundRectangle(rectangle: TGPRect; radius: integer): TGPGraphicsPath; var path : TGPGraphicsPath; l, t, w, h, d : integer; begin path := TGPGraphicsPath.Create; l := rectangle.X; t := rectangle.y; w := rectangle.Width; h := rectangle.Height; d := radius shl 1; // divide by 2 // the lines beween the arcs are automatically added by the path path.AddArc(l, t, d, d, 180, 90); // tople.. 2008. 8. 13.
GDI+ 이용한 썸네일 만들기2 function setMakeThumbnailWithGDI(strFileFullname, strFilepath : string; intWidth, intHeight: integer): string; var graphics: TGPGraphics; Image : TGPBitmap; //TGPImage; nPosX: Real; nPosY: Real; intXZoom, intYZoom: real; JPEGImage : TJPEGImage; strSaveFilefullname : string; bReturn : TStatus; imgView : TImage; r, br : TRect; w, h, c, rw, rh : Integer; begin try if (strFileFullname '') and (fileE.. 2008. 8. 13.
GDI+ 를 이용해서 썸네일 만들기. uses GDIPOBJ, GDIPAPI; const ImageBMPClsid : TGUID = '{557CF400-1A04-11D3-9A73-0000F81EF32E}'; ImageJPEGClsid : TGUID = '{557CF401-1A04-11D3-9A73-0000F81EF32E}'; ImageGIFClsid : TGUID = '{557CF402-1A04-11D3-9A73-0000F81EF32E}'; ImageTIFFClsid : TGUID = '{557CF405-1A04-11D3-9A73-0000F81EF32E}'; ImagePNGClsid : TGUID = '{557CF406-1A04-11D3-9A73-0000F81EF32E}'; function TForm1.setMakeThumbnailWithG.. 2008. 8. 13.